
If we don't buy shoes, the terrorists have won.

Corporations always try their hardest to predict what you will buy next.
Market segmentation & data analysis is nothing new.
But PRIZM (Potential Rating Index for ZIP Markets) makes it much more accessible & fun (despite its horridly ugly website).

There are 62 clusters based on census data, demographic surveys, and public information.
Just enter the zip code you live in (yeah...USA only for now) and the most prevalent groups are sorted and explained further.

I did a co-op work term in New York City back in 2007. I lived in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn, so that makes my zip 11205.

What PRIZM said about my neighbourhood makeup:

16 - Bohemian Mix
66 - Low Rise Living
31 - Urban Achiever
39 - Urban Elder
04 - Young Digerati

"Young Digerati are tech-savvy and live in fashionable neighborhoods on the urban fringe. Affluent, highly educated, and ethnically mixed, Young Digerati communities are typically filled with trendy apartments and condos, fitness clubs and clothing boutiques, casual restaurants and all types of bars--from juice to coffee to microbrew."

I would say that summed it up pretty well.

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